Going Deeper: 6-Week Meditation Intensive

Monday Evenings, 7-8:15pm PST

February 24
March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Meetings held on Zoom

This intensive course is designed for you to take your meditation practice to the next level. Through a commitment to daily sitting, working with weekly themes, and spending time each day in inquiry and journaling, you create the conditions for awakening and transformation. I invite you to take this challenge into the unknown depths of your own being, to make time and space to receive your true nature and to create new patterns of living, more free, more present and more true.

In this course, you will receive:

  • Weekly Zoom meetings that includes a guided meditation and teaching on the weekly topic

  • Invitation to commit to a daily 30-minute practice for self-inquiry with journal prompts

  • A safe container for questions and sharing in like-minded community

  • The benefit of practicing in a group with a shared devotion to the truth

The commitment for this group is 6 weeks.
Please plan on attending all of the sessions.