Receive the truth of who you are.

Our souls are always calling us back home to the ground of being.

A gentle tug to slow down, to create space, to relax the body, to rest in the emptiness.

It is here we discover the energy of creation, the feeling of being home, the deep healing, the soul growth and the quieting of the mind.

We practice listening to our inner voice as it moves through us, subtle and sweet, whispering our truth in each moment.

Can you slow down and listen?

Can you receive the truth of who you are?

We are waking up more and more to our soul’s calling. The path home is quite simple. Life is always showing us the way. We can participate and choose to say yes to Life’s invitations by getting quiet, slowing down, feeling our feelings, trusting our intuition, and being willing to see and live in the reality of who we are.

As we begin to let go of our stories and allow Life to lead us back home, we experience the freedom of being that is our birthright.

It is challenging and scary and exciting to see the truth that is being revealed in and through each of us. It takes courage and humility to walk this path, to express our divine essence, to heal, to expand and to love. 

We need each other to wake up now more than ever.

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